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Comments about the Currency Converter

The below Currency Converter will convert any currency to any other currency. Currency Exchange Rates change daily so, if traveling, it's a good idea to check the current rate of exchange from US Dollars, British Pounds, or other currency to European and Spanish Euros. The Spanish Peseta was "phased out" in 2002 shortly after Spain joined the European Union and accepted the Euro (€) as its official currency. The Euro is available in 8 coins with the 2 Euro coin being the greatest, and 7 Euro bills with the 500 Euro note being the greatest in size. Spanish Euros and Euro Cents

How to Exchange Money in Madrid & Spain

Upon arriving in Madrid, one can exchange money in several different ways. There are Currency Exchange counters (American Express among them) in Madrid Barajas Airport. One can also exchange cash in most all banks. Almost no one accepts travelers checks anymore, by the way. When exchanging cash or travelers checks at Cash Exchange counters and banks, expect to pay a high commission fee as well as a poor exchange rate. I find it best to withdraw cash from ATM machines located throughout Madrid and Spain. Commissions and exchange rates are much much better but be sure to know your 4-Digit PIN number.

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