Well said, NO&DO Yankaluz. We cannot and should not judge the statements of a grieving mother/parent.

esperanza, thank you for posting the El Pais English link. I hadn't seen that. In that article they say Austin died of a heart attack. Now I'm really confused about what was the true cause of death. Now we're heard it was a drowning, choking on a nut and ingesting his own vomit, and now a heart attack. That detail that no one saw Austin sitting on the river's wall at that hour, (after) midnight, is not all that surprising. That article said the area was swarming with people. We don't know exactly where he was sitting when he fell in but I can assure you that area is NOT swarming with people - even next to a nightclub where everyone's INDOORS that club staying out of the cold and few-to-no-one is taking a nighttime walk along the river.

When I saw the photo and American flag with the statement, "Austin Brice Murdered in Madrid. Americans Demand Justice." I thought, "Oh god. This kind of reaction was expected."

Another American-based autopsy is warranted. I have no problem with that. The parents want closure and their questions answered. I'd want the same, I'm sure, to know every little detail I could discover. I wonder if we'll get a blood-alcohol analysis or maybe it's too late for that to be reliable.

Saludos, MadridMan
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