This past May, I was asked for an ID at El Corte d'Inglis, and I showed them a copy of my passport and that was enough. Also used just a copy when boarding the bus to Granada.

At El Cort d'Inglis, they also asked if I wanted the credit card to be in Euros or dollars.

I used a Chase Visa debit and was able to withdraw from S________ Atlantico Bank ATM with no charge on their part. There was a $3.00 fee from Chase. Sorry, some one could maybe fill in the first part of the banks name as I don't remember it.

We did not find that ATM to be prolific around the city, but we did look for them once we found they did not charge me. I don't know if it works for all Visa cards or if there is a Chase relationship that meant there was no fee from the Spanish bank.