Actually, I know I've drifted off topic here but recalling that red hot day in Sevilla in 2003 made me Google it and came across some great articles such as this one.

Anybody who was there - and I'm sure there must have been plenty of North American tourists who could only look on in amazement - would remember scenes such as described in that article. For example:

Via boat, train, plane and by thumb, in convoys of buses, cars and mopeds they converged to make the city their own. Sombreros, beach balls, kilts, wigs, masks of Zorro, ‘Manuel’ moustaches, polka dot bikinis and giant sunglasses were much in evidence. Outside Flaherty's bar (the "Hoops' Headquarters”) the scene resembled one from medieval Europe, the street reeking of booze, sweat, p*** and vomit and rocking with constant noise.

Through the walls of the Cathedral, Christopher Columbus, in his final resting place, was no doubt considering a second emigration to the US for a bit of peace and quiet.
Realising this was a friendly invasion, the police stayed in the background enjoying the spectacle. There was no doubt as to where the sympathies of the locals lay. Hundreds of immaculately groomed local youngsters caroused with hairy a***d Scotsmen while Porto fans, outnumbered twenty-to-one at least, mingled happily, if somewhat bemused.

A few good pics here Class! grin
Fantastic apartment to rent from less than $50 a night!!