
Nobody has painted a picture of protection for cops that don't do their job properly. The picture that's been painted in this thread is that all cops are evil because of what was seen by a handful in NO. I think you should get the record straight before you say the opposite.

Then there's the comment that "it seems like all the beatings are white cops beating up on blacks." That's an indictment against all cops, and totally prejudicial against all cops.

The funny thing is, the people who are making these comments have conveniently forgotten the police officers who died on 9-11 trying to help people regardless of color. Where were all these "cop-bashers" then? Hiding in the woodwork because they didn't have dirt to throw?

The fact is, there are bad cops. Hell! There are bad attornies, bad doctors, and yes, even bad teachers. There are bad drivers, bad athletes, and yes, bad attitudes amongst some people in all phases of life, yet it's all the cops lumped into one group because of something that happened in NO? You're going to judge them all based on that?

This is what I object to, and rest assured, Carlos objects to the same thing. For someone to make us out like we're the scum of the earth because of something that happened in NO is rediculous.

People might want to read what Bookie posted. Carlos is a police officer in an area that dealt with a major disaster, and had to be one of those who helped people in their time of need. Yet you'd denigrate him for this service? You'd cast him as being like the picture in NO?

When people begin to deal with specifics, instead of painting these broad pictures that are deceitful and with the intent of maligning everyone because you "don't like them in general" is not objective. It's rampant hypocrisy!

Sorry if this rankles some feathers, but I'm not going to accept comments that make all cops look bad because someone has a dislike for them. If that's your problem, you'd better arm yourself with facts instead of inuendo, or expect people to attack the comments that are made so carelessly.
