Ninas, why would you ask a right winger those questions at this time? You know Propaganda Minister Goebels (Carl Rove "Bush's Brain" ) hasn't come up with the right spin yet, he's to busy running the country while "Minnie Me" is out "just savin lives" But maybe I can help, your question about the country's resources is a good one. We now have the biggest deficit in our country's history and "Minnie Me" still wants to lower taxes on the wealthiest citizens only, good timing, it must be a rebirth of the "trickle down theory" yea remember that crap! Oh for the days of a strong president and good times like the ninety's, If Clinton would agree to be President now I'm sure he would win in a landslide,and I'd have no problem buying all his aides new kneepads as an incentive. Secondly Fema took so long to respond because it's leader was an appointed political hack with no experience except being an assistant to the head of the "American Arabian Horse Ass." and the president was in San Diego being his usual "bagman" for the Republican Party! And Field Marshall Goering, err Vice President Cheney was of course missing as usual.(No leadership,nothing gets done!) Thirdly, no photos or info on damages or casualty's ? What's new,we have a fourth estate now that is scared and by and large gutless.
ANd about garnering funds to pay for this tragic situation, Hey I got an idea! Let's beat Bush and his Beer Garden buddies to the punch and start selling "Pardons" to his and the right wings slimey cohorts like "Kenny Baby" Ken Lay and his Enron crime partners, maybe the guys from World Com, huh!,might as well sell pardons to the Halliburton/KBR guys now as they will need them. And I got a brainstorm,how about "Minnie Me" selling autographed photos of himself in his flight uniform (codpiece and all) under the "Mission Accomplished" banner. ANd I pray that Hurricane Rita spares everyone more grief.