There are many shelters open here in Austin, and they are all full, more are being opened today. They are flying people in. Local schools are taking in the kids and registering them for school w/no fees etc. Yesterday I was at Target and there was a line of people waiting to pick up basics like socks and underwear that Target is donating to local evacuees. The University of Texas is also allowing students to enroll. I'm a grad student in speech pathology and im sure we will being seeing some of these kids in our campus clinic. Another interesting note, right now in the Austin area they are looking for people to be "foster" parents for pets of evacuees who are at shelters and cant keep their animals with them there. i cant imagine having lost everything, being in a new city, at a shelter and then having my dog, the last thing taken away. My relatives were eventually evacuated and reunited in Houston, they are now trying to book a flight to my family's home in Illinois. They say they will just stay with my fam til they can go back to New Orleans.... but part of me wouldnt be suprised if they ended up settling and staying there.
"Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente."