Querido Cristobo,

You state: "But I would like to see for once, only once, someone being able to understand the mindset of the "other side".

I wholeheartedly agree with you!

I think largely our problem is the method we are using to communicate. We cannot see each other when we write; we cannot see our verbal expressions; we cannot hear the intonations of our voices; we cannot see our body language,and, yes in many cases language limitations, it all amounts, sadly to incomplete communications, and miscommunications.

I believe that everyone on this MM board are people of good will, and it is an honor to know all of you and be able to discuss, even heatedly, the issues that concern all of us.

But, our problem is that this is a limited methodology... if we could only see each other when we speak, then our conversations would make sense!

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
--St. Augustine (354-430)