I did not read all the posts and am not sure if someone has stated this before but, as good as intellectual discussion/arguing is, I really think that people should stop arguing over the war, and whether it was right nor not, or were you for it because honestly, it's over. I've been to Spain recently and I still heard people critcising tyrant/nazi Bush and Aznar because they went to war but rarely heard discussions about what we can do for Iraq now. Likewise in the States I do not hear much talk about it. I bring it up in discussion and I get pretty much the same response of 'oh yeah we have to let the U.N. form some plan or something'. Maybe I'm hanging around non-intellectuals. I also don't want to pretend that I am going to go to Iraq and help the needy. I do think though we should stop arguing about what happened and discuss what needs to happen. I don't think the thousands of destitute Iraquis without power and drinkable water are really contemplating whether the war was just or not. I think they just want to know what happens next. When we put our minds to a topic it seems like we can create endless discussion and come up with thousands of ideas. Maybe if we put as much energy into talking about what needs to be done rather than snarl at one another a truly good solution could come about for rebuilding Iraq. Whether or not our opinions will matter I can't say, but we could definately bring some positive dialogue to an already pretty bleak situation in Iraq.