
Where on earth did you get the idea that we would want to silence you? You have every right in the world to have an opinion, and speak it, even if we, as individuals disagree. You also have the right to choose Scandinavian countries over the U.S. anytime you want. Rest assured, none of us intend any harm to them or you.

If you read the thrust of our argument, it isn't against people who disagree with us, but people who don't bother to discover the truth about why the U.S. attacked the Hussein regime. If Hussein's minions had attacked Iceland with terrorist attacks, and was intensifying the attacks over a period of time, you could rest assured the U.S. would be right there to help Iceland in their time of need. Even though you personally might not want that, I would imagine the vast majority of people in your fair country would more than welcome the assistance.

As for Americans eating dirt... really now? Don't you think that's a bit "over the edge?" rolleyes Let's keep it on a level playing field, okay? wink
