el viajero,

Can you explain to me why France had taken the posture nearly a year ago, that the restrictions imposed by the UN against Iraq should be lifted, and now, since the overthrow of Hussein, become steadfast in their resolve to make sure the restrictions are kept in place? It's an ego trip, and theirs was bruised when the U.S. refused to kiss their sorry posteriors. If you're looking for "childish behavior," as you accuse the U.S. of being, you might take a look at the French first.

France is no longer a "super power." In fact, as a nation, they offer little or no significant value to the UN, EU, and NATO. Of course they haven't been of any appreciable value for over a century. They've been nothing more than a piece of real estate that keeps Spain from being an island.

Now that they no longer need the U.S. to keep their sorry arses safe, they turn on us, just like they do every other nation. If we're looking for "arrogance" in a nation, they are the poster boys of the issue.

If you take a look at the record, France is presently involved in three wars on the continent of Africa. Of course they don't get their hands dirty, they hire "mercenaries" to do the fighting. Of course I can understand that reasoning. The French are incapable of handling their own affairs.

I also wonder why a nation would go so far as to elect a President who was a member of the Vichy government so long ago. Apparently they need to cuddle up to the Germans again, because nobody loves them.

By the way. There's a town in Minnesota that used to be named French. They are changing their name to Freedom. I guess that speaks volumes about how most of us view France.

As for their being a "permanent member of the security council," that in itself makes the group a joke.
