
I couldn't agree with you more. CNN withholding information about Iraq's atrocities and then insinuating that our president was an out of control maniac. Go figure. CNN not leftist, that's a good one.

El viajero,

I stick by my remarks. I don't care if they don't find weapons of mass destructions. And, it is these left centralist, like supposedly the last administration was suppose to represent, that disturbs me the most. Can anyone who supports our last president tell me what it is he supposedly contributed to our country? I can think of one thing only, and that is really what he didn't/couldn't do.


I really enjoy your postings too, but I agree, we'll never see eye to eye. I wish there was a history forum on this bulletin board, because I enjoy the history of Spain so much. And I would like to compare notes with a Spaniard.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."