
Of course you're right. We tore them up. But as the saying goes "don't bring a knife to a gun fight". True enough they didn't have the military might of the U.S. and coalition forces but I for one am happy about that. I know they're not heavily armed, but I can't accept that they are unarmed. Do you really think I would feel better if equal amounts of Americans were killed. Oh boy! When the U.S. goes to war, I don't want a fair fight, I want victory.

I think the lesson here is that after the Kuwaiti war instead of making a peace treaty between the U.S. and the Iraqis, we went through the morally bankrupt U.N. I strongly wish we would tend to our own business and not try and drag the rest of the world along with us like a dead albatross around our neck.
This war is being fought for U.S. security. I don't even believe we are doing this for the sake of the Iraqis. If these sorry bunch of people couldn't overthrow that straw tiger of a dictator I see on the news, they aren't very courageous. I don't know or care if they ever find the dreaded weapons of mass destruction. Is good enough for me that there are Al Queda training camps in the north.
Yes I've read about the humiliating scene between Napolean, Carlos IV?, and Ferdinand VII. This brought the 100,000 sons of St. Louis into Spain. A very bad time for your noble country. I enjoy the history of your country very much, and the politics from the 1930's is an essential study for anyone who enjoys politics as much as myself.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."