Thanks Booklady wink

As for the particular incident in which a spanish journalist was killed, my opinion watching the news is that it was unjustified. If the tanker was a spanish soldier he would be by now jailed for incompetence and for killing someone without any reason. I don't agree how the spanish government has handled this incident.

Anyway, reading the opinions of Cristobo and Pim, I can see what the spaniards think of all this conflict.

For me is just incredible how the people care for this war that much, including demonstrations in front of the US Embassy in Madrid, and then allow France to be in three wars in Africa, in which they have 30,000 soldiers, and in which 3 million people had died; or forgeting any of the 35 wars currently causing thousands of deaths. My explanation to this fact is that the media and the oposition has managed to capitalize a stupid and unreasonable antiamericanism, in order to have some more votes.

How can a country be governed when almost every party says that the governmet must do what the polls say. There is no long-time vision, no place for unpopular decisions, no state sense.

We have a real problem, a structural and social problem, and it is that the majority of the spaniards are working against their own country. I'm sure that if this continues we will face an implosion, perhaps even a second civil war.

For me it is very disgusting to see how my countrymen are acting, even justifying violence against a political party (PP).

The real democracy happens when you can express your opinion in public freely. Please (spaniards) answer me this question: Can I express myself for this war without being called a "facha", "fascist" or assasin????

I won't give a euro for this country and its citizens. The day I feel this is not a true democracy evermore I will fly away to any other country with a real democracy, and not only a democracy for certain part of the population.
