
:o Even I'm growing weary of this thread and I love discourse. I can't imagine why you don't enjoy my ideas. But chin up, not too many Americans profess these ideas either. But I believe that deep down a lot feel how successful our system is here in the U.S. However, for fashion reasons, certainty and values are repugnant and disgusting. And that's at the core of the Anti-President Bush movement.
Prior to our current President we had a leader with his finger in the air testing which way the winds blow. When I went to Europe in 1999, he was very well liked by Europeans. Understandable now. I remember telling an English couple that I wish you could keep him. But I wouldn't really wish that on you. I think you have a darn good leader, but I fear that the Socialists will win the next election. But if Spain prefers Socialism that's it's own business. I just think that the freedom and individual rights that only capitalism nuture would benefit everyone.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."