
Funny you should mention looking out my window, especially since we are within one week of tax time here in the U.S. I look out my window, see my neighbors houses. I look at my income tax form, both my federal and state, and see the rather large percentage I am required to give our government to pay for homeless and poor people who cannot afford health insurance. Then I realize all my neighbors must be burdened similarly. And no great surprise...there are still poor people and people who cannot afford health care. What is wrong?!?!?
If all were taken away from me and I was penniless tomorrow, I know that in a month's time I could provide for my family. I have the opportunity to do that here. I have not had an idle life waiting for people to give me things. I have knocked on doors of people who require my labor. I have not been afraid to get my hands dirty. I've cleaned toilets, washed dishes and raked leaves at times to earn a living. And while I did this I learned. I took every opportunity to educate myself so that now I know enough to make a good living.
Economic security? Don't know of any. But if there was such a thing it would be opportunity, and that's what the U.S. is about.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."