
You're certainly bring a breath of fresh air to this dialog. Perhaps there's hope for our youth yet. After all "hope springs eternal." In lieu of this, Wolf, maybe our educators aren't doing too bad of a job training our youth if they are so capable of discerning the truth.
In an earlier post you urged our educators to teach students the truth. I know this was just a slip, since an obviously reasoning person such as yourself realizes that no one can teach truth. All our educators can do is provide the tools for their students to discern the truth.
I can only hope that one day they will realize the fallacy of the last vestiges of socialist thinking here in the U.S., perhaps abandoning the welfare-state and making us even freer than the rest of the world is.
Please don't take this last statement as a personal affront. I know in your previous postings that you consider yourself a liberal and for socialization of services for some Americans. You express your ideas much more thoughtfully than I will ever be able to and I admire this ability. But please consider how well our capitalistic system has provided for the unfortunate members of our society as opposed to how other less capitalistic governments provide them to their own citizenry. And then please consider that it is in persuit of basic needs that we have such a strong and productive country.
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."