
The purpose of academics is to teach the truth, and when there are issues that can be interpreted both ways, produce a program where students see both sides of the issue. If I read you correctly, you're telling me that it's okay for a Professor to teach from one side of an issue because it's within his rights? Sorry! It isn't. If you take on the mantle of a teacher, you should act like one, not use it as a forum to teach your own ideological points of view. When a teacher begins to believe they are a demagogue, it's time for them to be removed from the system.

As for Genova's statements, in a time of war, his remarks might be interpreted as treason. In regards to the idiot "on air" personality, his statement is totally without justification. He should be fired from his job as well. You do not incite people to violence.

So your friends all agree with you? That's nice. So what is that supposed to tell me? That you're right, because you're all bright? My guess is they are all involved in academia. I can put up a group of academics that would say the complete opposite of what you are saying... so it's a dead heat.
