
So Bush is like Hitler? Amazing deduction. Of course your information comes from the extremist of left wing organizers once again. Then the attack against America by saying we "haven't done anything in Turkey," where the Kurds are mistreated. My question is this? What have you, or anyone else in your left wing movement done for them, except agitate the condition, and cause greater loss of life? Arming them, and teaching them how to act as terrorists as your movement has, certainly doesn't speak well for your point of view. It shows me that your perspective is that they can "win" by by terrorist tactics.

It's sad that you can't see the fact that nobody has done anything for the Kurds, and even now, as they are being freed in Iraq, you can't recognize the reality that they could well become an active participant in the new Iraqi government if they choose to do so.

It will also mean that millions of Iraqi Kurds who have found some refuge in other nations will be able to return home, and pursue a fruitful life if they so desire.

I will repeat something I've said to you before. Read something other than far left wing/communist sources, and try to understand that there's more than a communist point of view in the world. We've already seen the Soviet Union fall under it's own weight of corruption, and inability to deliver anything that remotely resembled the freedoms that they indicated would be there for the people, by following communist theology. The only thing that keeps any nation with communists in control is by keeping the people ignorant, and under a constant threat of reprisal by the government, should they oppose the views of the communist leaders.

As for your statement about innocents killed at a check point, you really haven't got a clue as to what happened... or conveniently could care less... about the circumstances. It's really amazing just how closed minded your information is, and how quickly you swallow the propaganda that conveniently leaves out the truth. It might be time for you to take a dose of reality. Your sources aren't tainted, they are for the most part nothing more than propaganda. It's difficult for me to believe that someone in university doesn't have the ability to see the truth.
