
Well, one of the poster boys for "peace" has kind of shown his ass. Assistant Professor Nicholas De Genova, of Columbia University.

He called for a million Mogadishus. The deaths of American soldiers. He apparently wants to see the bodies of our soldiers dragged through the streets of Iraq, to prove his point. Instead of trying to resolve this issue, he took his stupidity to the next level, by calling for a defeat like Vietnam in the school's newspaper.

The problem is, there are way too many organizers, and members of your so called "peace movement" that could care less about American or Iraqi lives, or the future of the world. Their only agenda is their extremist views, and we've allowed these people to create cocoons of self-righteous hypocrisy in the very foundation of our nation. Education.

I received an e-mail from a student at one University and he told this story. Their Political Science Professor took a classroom poll. He asked how many people supported what's happening in Iraq. Eighty percent of the students raised their hands, supporting the troops, and our cause.

For the next three days, the Professor force fed his "peace" and "reasoning" into these students as to why the U.S. was wrong, and why we should be severely beaten in Iraq. Then he took another poll. He had those who supported us in Iraq raise their hands. The percentage went up to over 90%. He was so incensed by it that he stormed out of the room, and did not come back for the rest of the period. The following day he resumed classes, and has treated the students like they were "the enemy" since. In fact, they have petitioned the Dean to intervene, because they are confident he will take his ire out on them, as students, in their grades.

So thank you for your opinions. Your statement that it would "take Hussein 3 or 4 years to inflict as much harm on the Iraqis as we are during this war" should be a real comfort to everyone. I imagine it would tell a Kurdish or Shiite mother that her children suffering from malnutrition, and dying, doesn't matter, because there'd be peace. I know she'd be thankful for your benevolence. I'm certain that the loved ones who have soldiers in Iraq right now would invite you in for dinner, while you expounded the virtues of a Genova, and tell them how the ones they love are being put further in harms way because the "anti-war" movement here in the U.S. is used as propaganda for the Iraqi regime to convince their people we are losing the war. I know they'd offer you a second dessert.

So... it would take Saddam 3-4 years to cause this much damage to his people? That's acceptable? What about the 3-4 years, or the 10-20 years after that? Apparently that doesn't matter.....

Sorry! It does matter. It matters to me, and a lot of us who support our nation's effort in this time of strife. Your movement should be damned thankful we aren't really Nazis, or you sure as hell wouldn't be getting on your soap boxes, and offering opinions that were contradictory to our belief.

You might take a look at the smiling faces, and the mothers who are getting medical attention for their children, for the first time in years. You might remember that the malnutrition the doctors with our forces are seeing didn't happen in the last few weeks. It's something that's been there for a long time. Of course that doesn't matter... 3 to 4 years, right?
