When in 1939 France and UK decided to declare war on Germany they knew they were choosing between two terrible decisions: Doing nothing, and continue to see how Germany seized one free country after another, and how minorities were going to be harrased, or making a horrible and bloody war, in which civilians of every country involved were going to die.

When in 2002 US decided to invade Afghanistan, and when in 2003 the Coalition forces decided to invade Iraq, I think that nobody could think this was to be a war without inocent victims (is there any war like that?). We all had to choose between two terrible decisions: Let talibans continue their genocide and supporting Al-Qaeda, let Iraq continue to irresponsibly use and stock massive destruction weapons, and let two terrible dictatorships continue to kill thousands of their citizens, or make a terrible war in which inocent people was going to die.

It is as simple and as terrible as it seems, a pure economy of lives. We must choose between the better of two terrible decisions. For me that decision is war.
