
My reference to the "millions taking to the streets" wasn't reference to what you said, but reference to what you indicated was written by a journalist. I still ask that question, because there has not been one demonstration that was a million people in the U.S. When a journalist offers an opinion, they should be honest, not "take liberties" with facts. Obviously he didn't have time for truth, because it didn't fit too well into his agenda.

I never referred to you as being a Communist. If you look at my response it was in reference to a post that happened at just the same time as yours.

As for my "blind obedience" to the administration, rest assured, as I have indicated in a previous post, I will be at the head of the list of people campaigning against Bush. But, for now, as a Vietnam vet, who went through this hell before, and nobody stood up to help us, I don't intend to allow an overly vocal group of people who'd force their will on us by "Out-shouting us," win. Your views got their way thirty years ago, but my friend, it's not going to happen again, as long as there enough of us around who refuse to allow our soldiers to be brow beaten like someone did it to us.

You questioned my being an American. I never questioned you as being one. I may totally disagree with what you say, but I understand that it's a right we all have in the U.S. - to disagree.

It disturbs me when I see young American soldiers in Iraq asking reporters if they are going to come back home to face the hostility, and rebuff by their fellow Americans that we saw with Nam. I lived through it, and I won't sit back and allow it to happen to these young people, whose only crime is serving their nation honorably.

I'm not easily offended, so don't worry about it. Neither do I carry a grudge. Tomorrow we may be on the same page on another issue, of just as great of importance, and you cannot leave yesterday's disagreement guide you in making today's decision. That's the work of fools, who have little or no regard for facts. I certainly don't believe you're that type of person.


You certainly have every right in the world to end this thread. Yes, it does get vitriolic at times, and yes, we do carry our feelings on our sleeves on a lot of issues. I guess that's what brings us together in the first place. We carry that same passion for Spain.

What makes this site one of the places we will post our opinions readily is the fact that it isn't over-run by children saying things like.... "Iraq rules!" "U.S. Marines, kick ass!" It's adult conversation, and even if we disagree, we usually are pretty good at avoiding direct insults. Yes, at times we drift, but a few well stated words by others usually brings us back on track.

You're also right that another thread will begin soon enough, and it will start all over again. Since you've been open minded on allowing us to post our views, nobody amongst us would think for a moment that you are censoring us.

The only problem with new threads, which end up on the same topic, is that they run their course carrying the same information all over again, until they reach where the last one was, and then go beyond. Issues, like the ones we've been discussing here, are of major importance, and they don't go away. New threads will rise.

In either case, thanks for allowing us to offer our views out here, in an adult manner. It's nice to have a place like this, where we can do it, and hopefully still be friends.
