Wolf: I think you're missing the point of the article on ABC I included. The point was that in addition to the changing motives and unclear objectives, Bush-friendly contractors are being roped in to make a killing - all under tight wraps of "confidential" proceedings.

And yes - Cheney did not own Halliburton - but he was CEO. Undoubtedly he's still got tight business contacts there. Certainly the U.S. has a plan to rebuild Iraq - but is it for the benefit of the Iraqi people - or our administration? THAT is the point of that article.

This is not a matter of being paranoid about this administration - this is matter of analyzing what facts are out there and taking them ALL into consideration - the "big picture" if you will. I do think it smells fishy (honestly, the jury is still out - you bring up a good point), but unlike you, I do tend to question government. That does not make me a socialist, it does not make me a communist, it does not make me an anarchist - IT MAKES ME AN AMERICAN. Did you forget the definition? If we didn't have articles like the one above, no unjustice would ever be uncovered and no one would ever question events like this. It's people who oppress the media and people who oppress me who are the real America-haters because they (you?) oppress those of us who dare to question motive - you'd prefer we shut up and enjoy the show. If THAT isn't anti-American and anti-freedom, I don't know what is...

Finally, all this German/French hatred is pure and simple fascism. God forbid those countries have their own opinions - and you know what - I know you think they are against us for their own financial interest. But I see it this way - THEY ARE MERELY LISTENING TO THE WISHES OF THEIR PEOPLE! Their people do not agree with us. Why should they react against their people's wishes? Our people didn't agree with our government until a day or two before our war started (which is a whole topic of war psychology in itself). Who is really free?

How dare you try and point fingers at France and Germany's true democracy! You, my fellow "American," are the traitor you claim people like me to be.

Shame on you!