el viajero,

From what I've seen, the anti-war group thinks everything "smells fishy." But then again, those of us who support the Iraqi issue think the comments you people make not only smell fishy, but lack substance.

So, if Halliburton isn't the right company to put out the oil well fires, and make repairs, who do you suggest? Jock Chirac and his court jesters?

If Halliburton gets the job of putting out well fires, and work in re-establishing the oil fields, they deserve it. They're the ones who went in and did it in Kuwait. By the way, the Kuwaiti government hired them "during" the Gulf War. Their reasoning was simple enough. They announced that there wasn't anyone who had a better reputation, or could do the job better.

If your intent is to show collusion as to why the war started, you've really lost it.
