!!! eek
My dear Carmen,
It was so kind of you to remark that my work at the U.N. must be thatof a janitor; thank-you but no, there are not enough janitors in the entire world to clean up the mess that is the U.N.!!!
(by the by, do I detect a sneering condescension for the working class in that inquiry? What are you a descendant of the Hapsburg Dynasty)
Dear dear Carmen, your arguments against this totally justified war and the United States smack of classical Marxist Agitprop. I find this of great interest, since as a child I was fascinated with Archeology, and Marxism is nothing more than a philosophical and political fossil !!!Let's look.
Marxism seemed like a cool thing about a hundred years ago, when it was new and had never been tried. But largely due to totalitarian regimes espousing Marxist Ideology. The 20th Century was the bloodiest and most brutal century in human history.Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot and their lesser Communist puppets murdered more people in political executions than all the crusades, inquisitions, pogroms, and holy wars in the previous 2,000 years. Every nation that adopted Marxism became a brutal Fascistic state without exception. Marxist regimes are responsible for more crimes against humanity than any other type of political or religio-political system.
Why is this so? The basic weakness in Marxist thought is that it is based upon a flawed Anthropology: a totally wrong understanding of human nature. Therefore it is doomed from the start to be non-humane.
Marxism is based in the Hegellian dialectic (Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis)which is supposed to guide the progress og human history. According to Marx, Capitalism is the the last stage in human economic development before the revolution which will usher in the dictatorship of the Proletariat. People will of their own free will realize that instead of owning private property they could have had a " ClassLess Society"(Like the option to have a V-8). Of course class struggle must go on first between the workers and the rich capitalist who manipulate the means of production. Therefore Marxists interpret every historical event into simplistic economic interests- E.G. "NO BLOOD FOR OIL" REFRAIN. ( Are ya with me so far?)
Marx himself never was a member of the working class. He fled from Germany and lived in England sponging off the wealth of Frederich Engels. The vision of Capitalism he saw in Victorian England was the height of the abuses of the Industrial Revolution. That was his only understanding of Capitalism, one without Labor Unions(which he hated), Workers Comp, 8 hour days, Safety Precautions, Health Insurance, Paid Vacations, etc that we have today.
Pardon my minor digression, dear Carmen; it's amazing what thoughts occur to one while pushing a mop and scrubbing a toilet.
Now you aske me, what has Marxism to do with Militant Islam and Saddam Hussein? Directly Nothing, Except,,,the Marxists see militant Islam as a tool to support in their undying hatred of the U.S.A. Marxist do not care about Human Rights. They do not care about World Peace. They do not care about Human Suffering; They are totally Devoid of COMPASSION.
One final note, my dear Carmen, before I leave to clean the bathroom stalls:if we are to have honest and intellectual discussion about the war in IRAQ, and the role of the U.S in the world, let's abandon all the Marxist terminology and double think and phony concerns for peace and the Iraqi children. Let's get ride of the hate-America-smash-the-state silliness. Let's renounce the unspeakable immoral and sub-intelligent stuff about the U.S. derserving 9-11 and the American P.O.W.'s being killers. Such drivel is beneath contempt.
The faxts of history show for all its faults the U.S.A. has done more to promote human rights, protect individual freedoms, feed the hungry(Funny how Americans send WHEAT to their enemies, while Marxists starve their oppents to death like Stalin in the Ukraine and the famines in Cambodiaand Ethiopia?)and promote self-government among nations(Just how did our former enemies: JAPAN and Germany become prosperous democracies?)If we are imperialists, we are not very good at it!!!