
How many hijackers were there? (19)

How many were from Iraq? All? Most? Some? None? (none)

How many were from Saudi Arabia? 15, with the other 4 coming from Egypt.
None of them were from Iraq.

Where's bin Laden from? Saudi Arabia.

Where did the funding for 9-11 come from? bin Laden and money from Princes in the
House of Saud, funneled through European accounts. You know, the accounts that
we froze after 9-11.

So far, no Iraqi connection. But there sure as hell is a Saudi connection. Why the hell
aren't we bombing them? Oh, that's right, they cozy up with the Carlysle groub, and
Big Daddy Bush. Hell, even Daddy Bush thinks his son is wrong, or did you miss that
one too?

Do you know the differences in Muslim sects? I guess you know that Saddam is Ba'ath,
and bin Laden is an Islamist fundamentalist who despises Saddam (as does the rest of
the Arab world) and considers him an infidel. Even the White House has admitted that
there's no connection between the two. Saddam is a scumbag who, among other things,
gassed Kurds in his country...thanks to the weapons that the US sold him during the Reagan
administration...but he has no connection to 9-11. Instead, we are playing right into the hands
of bin Laden...the guy who attacked us...and removing the regime he despises most. We
are also being one big giant recruiting office for Al Queda, as enraged Muslims have already
been called to Jihad last Monday. But I'm sure you knew all this already.

Explain why Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, Rusfeld and Cheney, among others, developed the
Project For A New American Century back in 1997. 1997, when they specifically used the
term "axis of evil" referring to, in order, Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. This attack was in the works
for 6 years. Explain why these bastions of Americanism said that, in order to sway public opinion
in favor of an attack, we would need, quote, "something like a new Pearl Harbor". This attack
on Iraq has nothing to do with 9-11, but dupes like you, who don't know facts, are content to
believe that. Explain why, right now, North Korea and Iran are scrambling to develop nukes.
It's because they know they're next on the list. Look for yourself, and follow the pnac link:

I won't even mention the oil connection, since I'm sure you know all about Brown & Root, and
Bechtel, and Halliburton. Yeah, Halliburton, who did business with Iraq in the 90s even with
our sanctions. By the way, what happened to the Anthrax situation? How about Enron?
Harken energy? Cheney's energy hearings that the GAO decided to drop their investigation
on? Sorry, I'm sure you know of all this. How about ABB and Rumsfeld?