Thank-you for those words of encouragement. laugh
My experiences with so many individuals have enabled me to get a 360 degree view. Now mind you I may not agree always with the Administrative Branch, especially former President Clinton, but I do respect the criteria. Respect can and does go along way.
Today, I received information that a close friend missed the grenade attack from a fellow Marine. This makes me sad, to think, that fellow soldiers ready to protect their own and their country would turn. But the reality is, as I have witnessed time and time again, misrepresented fools and their idealism will askew the clarity involved.
With respect to all others who I will see again and to those I will meet for the first time in Madrid, our conversation should be spent on going forward and not on the "stagnant issues".
I have been known to "put my cards on the table",when it is necessary.
WOLF It's now that you should make plans for "High Noon" in Madrid. It would be exhilerating to see you at the US Embassy when a few of us arrive. Chorizo, Potatos with hot sauce and Rijo. wink
MADRID MAN The Chorizo served at the Cafe outside the US Embassy is not bad. It's the Potatos with HOT SAUCE is the real taste of one's strength. :o
Till we meet again!!!!!!