Hi there.

I have been thinking about this issue for weeks. My beliefs are not something that has occured to me last night, but I've just being listening different points of view for and against this war, and have reached to some conclusions.

As I have said there are almost the same arguments to be for and against the war.

Some people ask why US is that concerned about Irak's regimen while there are dozens of other antidemocratic regimes around the world. These same people support France's statements about the war. The answer is quite simple, not every antidemocratic government has mass destruction weapons. Hey, but US, UK, Rusia, China, France and others have them... yes, but they use it with responsability, and only as a dissuasion tool, while Irak has used to attack both its own denizens and those from other neighbour countries (Kuwait, Israel and Iran).

Those who openly protest against this war deliberately ignore every other war in the world. Why they didn't protest against Chechenia war? Why they aren't protesting against the three open conflicts in which France is using 30,000 soldiers to support or depose dictatorships in Marble Coast, Centroafrican Republic, and Sierra Leona? Why they didn't protest against these wars?

The only explanation I have found (and I know this is going to make me gain some enemies...) is that european leftists continue to be strongly antiamerican, antisemit and quite antidemocratic. Here you can openly speak against Bush saying that you hate him (as Pim has done), but never dae to speak as I'm doing because you are automaticly labeled as a fascist (no matter that you are not). I consider myself politically left-centrist in some matters and right-centrist in others. But I can't stand this hypocresy of calling Aznar an assasin, Bush a dictator and yelling for Sadam as I have seen in demonstrations these days, while PP's sites, meetings and candidates where attacked or weren't allowed even to speak. THAT IS NOT A DEMOCRACY. No matter that you don't agree with them (I sometimes agree, others not).

I don't totally support every US action. I realize that in the past, the present and the future it has commited grave errors that have cost human lifes (for example giving Irak chemical weapons). The one who does something commit errors, the ones who does nothing are free of them. It is very popular and easy to lower defense costs letting US assume them and then criticize them for being that belicist.

Then things like Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo and Albania happen. We europeans let a fascist dictator to exterminate a million inocents in our own faces. Hollish soldiers did nothing when serbs executed 30,000 men in Svrenica, and again at last were the US that put order in that countries.

I don't like war anymore than any of you. I wonder for every human life lost in this conflict (even if he was Sadam himself). But if this is the unique way (after 12 years of diplomacy) to disarm a bloody and irresponsible regime, so be it.

I would say to my fellow countrymen: Remember who your allies are. In the last 25 years we owe more to the US than to any other country. Nor the french who washed their hands with ETA terrorism until 5 years ago or called Morocco a friend when they military occupied a spanish territory. Israel trained our inteligence agency against ETA, US aided us with echelon system. Remember that our arab allies have congratulate us 3 days ago for our efforts in this crisis. Remember that they have advised us when some radical islamists wanted to bomb us. Remember that Tarek Aziz menaced us with more terrorism.

Are we doing to do nothing against islamist terrorists? Remember that we did nothing against ETA and their supporters for 20 years, did we had success? Against terrorists we must act or face undesired consequences.

I will defend myself always with arguments, no matter that some people may think I'm hallucinating.
