I find it funny that we have live cams set up in Baghdad to wach a war I am ashamed about American media and the general publics view this a war not a TV drama, or video game people are dieng when those bombs go down for god sakes furthermore this is a direct quote from a media spokes men "we are in for a treat we will finally be able to see Americas fire power."
One of the most consistent trends in the current war coverage on America's cable news stations has been the use of sports language like "Saddam thought he'd have a home-field advantage." I can't help wondering whether the reporters talk that way all the time or whether this reflects something about how they view war.
Last night a small measure of retribution was visited on an al-Qaeda training camp in northern Iraq, which has been protected by Iraqi Republican Guards. They were hit with cruise missles. It's another step towards ridding the earth of these cockroaches. It may not be much, but each time a few of these terrorists get a chance to meet Allah up close and personal, it's a win for everyone. It's also a message to those who don't realize it that al-Qaeda has operated freely within Iraqi borders, and one of the reasons we've taken the actions we have.
The Bush administration was asked repeatedly to explain the connection between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, and the answer - at least to the best of my recollection - was always that they could not prove any link between them, but that Hussein seemed like the sort of guy who'd be chummy with terrorists. If we're going to accept the White House's claim that 9/11 was a prime justification for this attack, then the kindest explanation is that it was an invasion based on a hunch, and that's not something to be proud of.

As for whether that was really an Al-Qaeda training area they found in the north, what is your source of information? CNN has not reported this, as far as I can tell.

Even if the Pentagon had announced such a thing -- and I'm reserving judgment till I see a news report -- I've lived through enough wars to know that you have to wait awhile to find out whether what the soldiers found in the field bears any resemblance to what the White House and the Pentagon say they found.