Oh, CaliBasco, on the one hand I am happy to find someone else with musical roots in the mid to late '80s, and on the other hand, I feel pretty darn old (I teach college students, and most of them were about 4 when I was in high school!)! Yes, I can probably quote most of The Breakfast Club, and have an inordinate fondness for Polo cologne, and was obsessed with George Michael, etc. But I insist that I NEVER thought Molly Ringwald was a good actress!

I did DRESS like her, though...ugh!

I listened to various radio stations while driving through Spain in March, but nearly everything was American pop music (which I don't much care for now).

Thanks for the info on that song...if I can get back into Napster, I'll try to get it. Yes, we should go out for tapas AND bowling...they are across the street from each other on Lake and Lyndale streets in Mpls! smile