I have just spent 3 months in Spain, I brought my laptop..I am a professional mature woman, but I was there to study Spanish. In the end my laptop was a burden. Don't take it. Even at the internet cafes you are able to acess your ICQ. However if you do Telefonica provides a 'package' 3000 pts per month en Terra if you connect during the day and an hourly price in Tarrifa Plana between 6pm and 8am. Talk to Mario in Telefonica, he speaks English and can help you connect with instructions over the phone. The killer is the expense of the telephone connection ..especially if you are in a hotel, my hotel charged by time and number of connections and even if you are not able to connect for three or four times which is common, it costs 40 pts each time you try.
Better to choose your accommodation near an internet cafe. Ten suerte.