Someone said Cafe con Leche for 1 Euro.

I can get a very good cup of coffee at my local Dunkin Dounts for 98 cents far cheaper than a euro and just as good. My local Dunkin Dounts does have good coffee and it is far better than the awful Dunkin Dounts in Madrid with that thing they sell calling it a dount. I cannot believe the lines I saw in Madrid for the awful coffee and dounts being sold.

Here is my three

1 - La Taurina Bar in Madrid

2 - Wellington Society's night tour in Madrid

3 - Flamenco show Casa Del la Memoria de Al-Andalus in Seville.

Come to think about it. If they were in New York City were I live they would lose their Spanish appeal. So leave them were they are and I will come back to Spain to visit.

William Bert Photography