
FYI: It is not the same to say that some messages are fascists inputs than saying that the poster is a fascist, as your dad can tell you. The first is an opinion on a text, the second about a person, and insults are personal, whereas opinions on texts or comments of any kind are not, because they refer to a different subject: the text, as lawyers know very well.

As for the opinion of that person called Carlos Caballero, who is so important that neither you nor me knew his name before ... rolleyes
..." according to my research, it seems that you have, as usual modified subtly the words and contaxt to make it fit in your text. I would call it a lie:

a basque nationalist called explicitly spaniards rats and a poorer race than the basques,
Fernando dixit.

It is not the same what you imply:

- Spanish are rats

than what he actually said:

- somebody was a spanish rat.

In this case, we are talking of an specific person. Please, don't try to confound people, like with that flase horror story of the policemen burnt alive.

About making it personal:

-When you lie about my people, I consider it personal.

-You are making it aas personal as I am.

- I'll make it as personal as I feel like.

About your lies, onu is upstairs in this very message, for others, re-read my other ones, and you can go also to older post about one or two years ago, I don't have time to refute all that you have said in the time passed since I left, but in this very thread, I have uncovered several.

Who knows, perhaps I'm a CNI agent (the spanish CIA) and I'm trying to missinform everyone!!!
First time we agree. Who knows! Maybe CNI, maybe Falange, maybe Fuerza Nueva, who knows?


Couldn't agree more. The president of the party in the power/president of the Government controls the legislative chambers, as it was proved in the Iraki war debates, and everywhen else. The higher tribunals composition is pacted between the two major parties, and there is no other interpretation of law that those two's.

The rest of the spanish (leftists, nationalists, or whatever) are defenceless because those judges are more politicians than judges.

How is it possible that Jimenez de Parga is still President of the Constitutional Court after speaking on how the Catalonians looked down on Andalusians who were much more civilized and washed much more often 700 years ago?

No matter wether this is true or not, it is unacceptable that this guy is taking decisions about wether laws by the catalonian and basque grovernment are according to the Constitution, with such prejudices. But there he is.
He is one of the guys who are into illegalizing parties and closing newspapers with so called proofs.

I cannot find the article with the link, the hemeroteca, and the date. Could you reproduce it here, or summarize or post the most important features?
