Let me document just a bit my lies smile

By the way, I simply loath the way you speak about the Basque Country. I can hardly imagine more lies and right-winged fascist one-sided biased inputs.
Ignacio dixit
One night in Bilbao

As for the basque nationalist, I have made a little research (I don't also remember which basque nationalist says every barbarity about Spain or spaniards): He was Carlos Caballero, a PNV member of the Basque Parlament.

And Ignacio please, stop making it personal. I'm not going to fall the temptation again and go back to that style you liked so much wink

Anyway, since I'm doing a real campaign of lies, could you tell me which my lies are? Who knows, perhaps I'm a CNI agent (the spanish CIA) and I'm trying to missinform everyone!!! laugh

Shawn: Thank you very much for your post.
