Natalia, Paloma and Fernando -

One more round of clap - clap - claps!!! What those of us not living in Spain need to realize is that a hefty percentage of what we know about the Basque vs. ETA vs. approval or non-approval of the PP comes from what we read, hear, and see in the media. And the media, as we all know, can be and is influenced by sources - no matter how much investigation goes into reporting it is damn near impossible to be 100% objective and impartial.

There were comments made about propoganda in the last few posts - what we need to realize is that there are varying levels of propoganda. The flat-out propoganda and a more subtle form that influences the media.

And, in the end, like Shawn - no-one really knows and understands a situation until they are living in it. I think all of us not in Spain owe a huge thank-you to those in Spain who are willing to take the time to share their thoughts and insights with us.
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte