Natalia and Paloma, I fully agree with you. It is interesting to see how the ETA propaganda works, no matter that they have constantly menaced dozens of their own basque journalists (Carmen Gurruchaga, Isabel San Sebastián, Iñaki Gabilondo,...) and they have tried to killed them various times. They have managed to convince international press how romantic the ETA fight is, and we still have to see how they call ETA as a basque separatist group.

And it is also interesting how people prefer to believe this propaganda than the things said by a democratic government, which they consider as a fascist one who is trying to somekind exterminate the basques.

Until all these changes, I will continue to have mates as I had in the school, which were basques who had fleed from the forced imposition of euskera by the nationalist basque government, or people who just couldn't stand the lack of freedom to talk about politics.

I will continue to give support to my aunt and my cousins there so that they can stand it. Oh sorry... they aren't full blooded basques, so I guess they aren't basques at all... It should be one of those extrange cases in which basques and the rest of spaniards have merged during 3000 years of common history...
