Hmmm...Franco and Fascism, eh? Some would argue that Franco was never a fascist, but rather a shrewd pragmatist who would utilize whatever ideology was convenient. Witness that while Jose Antonio (a real fascist's fascist, by Gawd!) was idolized as a martyr in Franco's Spain, the rest of the falangist leadership was never given much power. Hedilla was jailed and disgraced, and even Serrano Suñer, who was increasingly pro-fascist, was put out to pasture once it became clear that the Axis was not going to win the war.

While the Carlists were less of a threat to Franco than the falange could have been, Franco effectively neutralized their leadership as well. Let's not even mention the traditional Catholic politicians, like Gil Robles, who had zero influence on Franco and were often exiled from Spain themselves.

Oh yeah...Basque cooking, delicious. In San Sebastian (or Donostia, if you'd rather), I had the best chipirrones in the world. I'm going back in a month, and am going to eat pintxos until I fall down.