I don't think that Aznar's insults are helping the situation.
Perhaps, but standing there and saying 'España va bien' (Spain's doing well - Popular PP campaign slogan) doesn't seem to be working well either.

Call me what you like, but I have to go with Garzon on this one. Spain needs to get tough with ETA...de una vez (once and for all) and not pass laws that are token human rights initiatives that are later just shelved and never acted upon.

I not only think that Aznar needs to say that EH is 'basura,' but needs to act upon what he's saying.

Those who know me from my posts elsewhere may have noticed that I'm generally pretty neutral on political issues. However, as the father of a 5 year old, I feel especially enraged at the taking of the life of a 6 year old girl in this last brutal, senseless attack.