CaliBasco sums the entire discussion up perfectly - the N in NAACP stands for national - i.e., not international.
If a foreign organization equivilant to the NAACP started to interfer in a US situation - I bet my last dollar and/or euro that a bunch of people would be screaming mad. When logic ceases to work (we all know where I stand on this issue) there's an old truism that goes "treat others as you would like to be treated" - so before advocating involvement in a foreign country's affairs by an unofficial and national organization - put the shoe on the other foot folks - do you really want to walk like that?

BTW - Chica - loved your thoughts about creating individual organizations - I'll go for NAFRWLS (national association of french/russian women who love spain). Getting tacky here????

Puna (who is getting so aggrivated that her english is turning into trite but appropriate (I think) adages.)

[ 02-23-2002: Message edited by: Puna ]
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte