Hey Antonio--

I agree with you! I am against the death penelty here and everywhere else. Its not on any humanitarian grounds (McVeigh deserved what he got), but rather on individual's rights vs. the State. No government should have the power to decree that one of its citizens is undeserving of life and therefor should be eliminated. This is an over-reach of State power and an abuse of authority. Also, since any system of justice is imperfect (since it is made up of people, who are inherently imperfect)having a punishment as final and irreversable as death is wrong.

It is interesting that here in the US, conservatives generally believe that government institutions are inefficient and constantly making problems instead of solutions. That is, except when it comes to the administration of capital punishment. Here, the government never makes a mistake!

When I look at who our "allies" in the pro-death penalty camp are (China, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, et. al.), I know the US is on the wrong side on this one.