guess who´s got their work permit and VISA??????????????? yup yup i did it, i tied the last knot. i have a work permit and visa and my residency in a few months, as of now i am legal and can go and come as a please!!! i got a job working at TGIFridays which is next to bernabeu. VIPS is a large chain of restaurants and stores and they put out an advertisement due to the new immigration law, saying anyone who arrived before january 23rd can come to a presentation and apply for a position. Spain passed a new immigration law january 23rd, so if you came before that date you have till the end of july to get your papers, if you don´t get them by the end of july you will have to wait 2 years to get your papers. so i went to the presentationa dn interviews and out of the 1,800 employees of VIPS that are immigrants i am the first and only american working for them. i will be working 20 hours a week as a waitress and have to stay with VIPS for at least 9 months for all the paperwork to be official. VIPS has other restaurants and TGIFridays is one of them. so it has been a grand grand day. i walked out of the office after seeing my work permit looked at the sky, lit up a fortuna light and said a thanks. my dream is here, my dream is complete.
Spain Page!! Check it out!