i am so sorry i haven´t written,i have no access to a computer and have very little time while in the city to write, but i have a moment before i go to flamenco class. I am so so so so so so very happy. i am busy with the celta course, and the 2 people i teach private english lessons to and my flamenco class, all of those things are everyday. so saturday and sunday i rest and go out!!!! ole!!!!! but i am very busy during the week, it has been a hard hard hard effort to get things started, to begin a a new life from scratch, but things are slowly working out. i am so happy to be here, and so happy to have my little place in el escorial with a view of the monastery from my living room window, and a view of the guadarrama mountains from my bedroom window. at night i hang my head out my living room window and look at the monstery and listen to the churchbells chime. (i watched it snow last week) i can hear all the people rustling below and drinking cana´s!!! life is very very very good, it has not been easy, but i am so happy to begin my new life where I want to be. wehn i get more time i will write more till then!!! viva espana!!

Spain Page!! Check it out! http://www.geocities.com/missmadrid98
Spain Page!! Check it out! http://www.geocities.com/missmadrid98