Madridman, would it be easier to get a working visa if you adopt me as your son?. If so, could you help me to get a job..., dad?

From the posts so far, I understand that I can't enter the USA as a tourist / student and then get a job before my visa ends. I have to get a job from Spain and then enter with a working visa. This makes things more complicated.

Also, I've seen that only big cities have good means of transportation. Otherwise, I should have a car.

By the way, real_megia, I don't want to work under the table. If I can't get a legal job there, I will try in the UK.

Another question for all of you. What about medical insurance?. In the UK is very easy because I have free insurance the same way I have it here in Spain (with the Seguridad Social). In case I manage to get a job, does the company provide medical insurance?.

Thanks again for your replies,

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