Well , yesterday I attended my first ever baptism in Madrid ( actually my first ever baptism anywhere ! ) and despite being completely non-religious , I actually quite enjoyed it . The baptism was for a litlle baby called Gian Carlo , the son of some filipino friends .
For Laduque's information , the catholic church was beautiful - La Parroquia Nuestra Senora Del Perpetuo Socorro - The church is huge with 2 chapels and is in Calle Manuel Silvela ( Metro - Bilbao ) . The main chapel is typical catholic opulence .. All gold and silver .
Not being religious I was expecting a bolt of lightning to strike me down as I entered hahaha but all was well . Though I was getting some accusing glances from the very conservative family next to me since I wasn't following the prayers .
This was a baptism for 5 babies at the same time .
The service lasted an hour ... in Spanish and Latin Aaaargh .. But it WAS an experience !
In fact , as a young boy , I used to sing in a church choir ( Anglican-Church of England ) so I was quite used to long services and sermons .
I positioned myself yesterday near to the confessions box .. just in case .
Afterward was a reception in Plaza Santo Domingo .. I estimated at least 120 , maybe 150 guests , of which maybe only 10 were non-Filipino ... It was great fun .They hired the top floor of a restaurant which offered a really excellent "buffet libre" ( eat all you want ) .. On offer was huge amounts of Paella , Pimientos rellenos , Merluza ( Hake ) , ensaladas ( salads ) , tortillas .. not to mention the desserts which the kids loved .
We all got a little gift of caramelos ( candy ) in a presentation box with a cute puppy keyring !
I have good friends in the Filipino community here so I knew quite a lot of the guys , and they certainly love these big occasions .
A new Madrileno/Filipino/ Religious experience for me !! Steve