
About inmigration and Basque and this kind of things, I have a curious happen.

Two different person living on a Basque town, one was Morocan inmigrant and the other from Extremadura (supossed non-inmigrant, at least not for a foreign "country").

The Morocan was learning Basque, has Basque friends, etc. The man from Extremadura wanted nothing about Basque language, culture, etc and his friends were exclusively people like him.

A day, there was an enfrentation between the Morocan and the Extremaduran, and at the end, the Extremaduran man told to the Morocan:

- ¡Vete a tu país puto moro! (go to your country ****ing morish)

Another thing, about if we, Basques, are Spanish or not, first of all tell that there are Basque in the North (France) and South (Spain) that have the same language, culture and history.

Well, every people have each own opinion, and in the Basque Country there are people with different opinions, I mean political opinions. We have to be respectful with it.

For instance, when I go to a foreign country and I say that I am from the Basque Country answering to the typical question of "where are you from" I have never had any bad answer, with one exception: Spanish people.

