What puzzles me is why all discussions regarding Franco end up with accusations of wrong doings by others, in another period of time, making it appear that what Franco did was okay, because someone else did something else, to someone else.

Is that the defense for Franco? That someone else did something bad? Is that Spain's way of facing their own past?

What's even more insulting to some of us is the fact that most of these attacks are against what the allies did during WWII. Rarely, if ever, are the actions of the Nazis and Fascists considered, except in a back-handed way, saying, "Yes, they did some wrong too." It's as if it's a defense, and alignment with the cause of the Nazis. my God! Hitler and his people murdered 6,000,000 Jews! There is no redeeming quality to anything he did, when that is considered. Franco and his people murdered tens of thousands of people, and you'd explain it away by saying the Allies bombed Dresden? Where is there a shred of morality in using that as a defense? Have you lost sight of the fact that these people murdered their own flesh and blood, and now want to "forget about it?" That they really have no remorse, and their roots are into your present government which you defend, as if they were Gods of righteousness?

I'm sorry! Come to grips with what happened, and help these people bury their dead. Quit using diversionary tactics to defend what was done. It's the way people heal. Saying that monuments have a label, "Built by slave labor," isn't the answer. Maybe there should be walls built, like our Viet Nam wall, and the names of the thousands who died put up on these walls, so you can see their names.

It's like a tag we put on clothing made in China here in the U.S. "Made in China" I think that should say, "Made in China by slave labor. Of course that would upset people, so they don't do it, but it would be true.

For a monument, honoring Franco, the least they could do is list then names of the tens of thousands who died. It would be fitting in my mind. Not just, "Built by slave labor." That doesn't take us one step closer to realizing how many people he killed, which goes far and away beyond those he enslaved.
