I think I can state firmly that the dwellers of Spanish Morocco were NOT regarded as Spanish citizens: I know it because I read once a speech from Azana, the president of the Spanish republic, where he showed his contempt about Franquist army, since its soldiers were mainly non-spaniards, and he mentioned them. Morocco was a Protectorate, not a Spanish province.
As to the evolution of the Republic, I think the communists didn`t reach great power before the war began; obviously they got profit out of the fact that only Stalin and Mexico supported the Republic. If the US and the UK had helped, maybe the moderate leftists would have prevailed. Azana himself supported capitalism and Parlamentary democracy. It is true anarchists and some socialists were quite crazy, but after the 1934 rebellion was smashed, it was quite unlikely that a leftist revolution managed to attain power. Of course, the right wing, the army, the CEDA and the Falange, had clearly stated that they wanted to retrieve the good, old values of "Eternal Spain". Their "answer" to the "red menace" was ready long before 1936.

Sorry, I forgot writing just one thing in my previous post.
It is an important question indeed if Franco commanded, or not, native soldiers. Since he was just a "puppet tyrant", supported by foreign countries, and his troops were mainly foreign mercenaries, then the so-called "civil war" might be regarded as a simple invasion, which allowed the powers of the Axis to control Spain. Only in Navarra, and some areas in Castile and Galicia, it could be said that Franco was supported by the people. But the peoples of Spain were in the most part, happy about the Republic