Fernando has brought out an interesting topic, in a post included at " Asturias " thread. Does Spanish nationalism exist?
In my opinion, definitively it does.
The unification of Spanish kingdoms into one only state started when the Borbonic dynasty reached the throne, in 1714, and has not ended yet. It is obvious that "unification" followed close the French model.
But it failed. The difference lies, in my opinion, on the fact that in France, regions bore no economical power, they were underdeveloped compared to the Ile de France area, while in Spain, Castile had no power enough to smash Basques and Catalans, and so they chose to resist asimilation...until this very day.
Today, there is a subtle struggle between "separatists" and "unionists". It is a political and ideological struggle, of course. After Franco`s death, the idea of Spain had started to become impopular, since so many crimes had been commited in the name of Spain. After 25 years, however, Spaniards have retrieved their pride, and continuously tend to fight against anti-Spanish nationalism.
Let`s take Jon Juaristi, for instance. This Basque man, formerly a member of ETA, is now pro-Spanish. He wrote a couple of essays where he attacks the PNV, and got the "Premio Nacional de Ensayo". Then he was named to direct the National library, obviously as a reward for his loyalty. It was too obvious, however, and was soon resigned...only to become leader of the "Instituto Cervantes", and work to promote Spanish culture all over the world. Spaniards love him, because he has provided them lots of arguments to fight against Basque nationalists.
The 6th of December, the 12th of October, the "Premios Principe de Asturias", the "Premios Cervantes"...almost every day there is a good ocasion to celebrate "hispanidad", and "our common culture with Hispanic America". The way Spaniards behold their past is totally chauvinistic. No one asked forgiveness to Cuba, in 1998, for the horrors of the war there. No one bothered to learn from the mistakes that were commited there, and learn from them to deal with the current crisis of Spanish identity. All you found, in tabloids like " La Razón ", or " ABC ", is chauvinism.
Fernando, if Spanish nationalism doesn`t exist...what is Alfonso Ussia, then? And Luis Maria Anson? And Antonio Burgos, and all the others?
Yesterday, 1st of January, early in the morning, you could check in Onda Cero the way "history is over". They made a long interview to a historian who stated that Franco was a patriot, and saved Spain from disaster. No one argued with him, and the journalist asked him all the questions respectfully.
Before you start to talk about "free speech", let me ask you: Would Luis del Olmo ever interview any member of HB? Would he make an interview to any revisionist nazi, who said that Auschwitz didn`t exist? You know he wouldn`t. The fact is, certain ideas are still acceptable, simply if they support Spanish unity. Everything is OK, only if works for Spain.

[ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: MadridMan ]