Mmm, I don't think one has to tread to carefully when it comes to voicing an opinion on "the law of the land". If you don't like something you should say so. Spain is a pluralistic society made up of many cultures and subcultures. And outside opinions are also welcome. I'm not Spanish myself, although I've been here almost 12 years, but when I don't agree with certain aspects of my adopted home - such as sexism or homophobia, I'll say so. I might offend the conservative right, but I do that wherever I go, Spain or Ireland. And besides a great many Spanish people would support my critique of certain aspects of Spanish culture. There are after all many active women's and gay/lesbian organizations throughout the country.
What I'm saying is that in a forum such as this, I don't think anyone should watch what they have to say.
Back to the topic (by the way, hi Sheba and Druship), Spain is, by and large, quite a tolerant country, and well on the way to recognising equal rights for the homosexual community. It will take some time, but it's firmly on the political agenda, and even the ruling party, not known for its enthusiasm for socially liberal legislation would never say openly that it is against gay rights per se. The social climate has left them no other option but to drag their feet and sit on the fence on the issue.
Outside the realm of politics, most people are rather tolerant. Spanish people are not sanctimonious by nature, and despite what they feel, will not openly criticise others. The worst reaction you're likely to encounter as an openly-gay person is mild amusement and often tiresome curiosity, or expressions of the type, "Such a nice young gentleman, it's a shame really...". I say all this by the way from personal experience.