At last you dare to share some of your opinions with us smile

Don't bit your lips about this topic. Althought you try to convince all the readers that Spain is a taliban country in this matter you certainly know that you may not be court for posting here. The crime which is tipified in the spanish Penal Code to which you refer is "Terrorism Apology". This means making direct menaces or publicly supporting terrorism. As you know (but other readers not) there have been riots (with few people attending fortunately) in which attendants have yelled "¡Gora ETA!" and they have not been courted. They have made acts of public supporting to death ETA terrorists (they died while preparing bomb-cars) with ETA anagrams. They were not courted.

"...just if this page was sent to the police or denounce me..." For sure I have better things to do that denounce you for posting your opinions in a forgein board (since this pages are in an american server they don't need to comply the spanish Penal Code). Do you thing I would enjoy denouncing all the boarders who have posted an opinion opposite than mine? Don't make me laugh...

Who is dying Ignacio? The nationalists and separatists or the people menaced by ETA?

Now, your point is: The government is corrupt and control every news media, the courts are partial and the human rights are sistematicly violated in regard of this matter. Sure. Please go to your beloved International Amnisty and find something about your accusations.

Yes I have called you liar. Liar is the one who lies, and that is what you have done. Yes I called you manipulator, you have tried to manipulate the opinions of those who read this message boards.

And yes, I'm "español" and "españolista", but not in they way you think. "Españolista" is the one who has love for the things tipical and characteristical of Spain. In that way I'm "españolista".

Don't talk about lack of respect and civilized ways please. Lies are a lack of respect. And certainly to verbally attack Spain is not a civilized way, nor a smart one, of claiming independence for your nation (not to talk about terrorism, which I guess you support or at least you are simpathetic with).

Please, don't make theater with this matter. For a forgeiner it may seem serious, but for any other spaniard talking about spies and courts for posting in this message board is a joke...
